Using async/await inside a Javascript Promise

Simon Carr
Oct 24, 2020

What is the correct way to use async/await inside a Javascript promise?

If you're asking the question, then this short and to the point article will show you the quick and easy way to use async/await inside a JavaScript Promise.

If you’re a Javascript programmer and you use promises, then you have probably come across the need to use async/await inside of a promise.

Does this code look familiar?

The above code is an anti-pattern. The problem is the use of async in the promise creation. This can cause all sorts of unexpected problems.

But, I hear you ask, “How can I use await if I don’t decorate the function with async?”

The correct way to use async/await in a Javascript Promise

The secret is to create a self-invoking function and decorate that with async. Don’t worry, it’s simple, and the following code solves the above problem.

Notice in the above code, I have corrected the issue by removing async from the promise creation and created a self-invoking function and decorated it with async.

(async () => { your code goes here .... })()

A self-invoking function will do exactly what it says on the tin, it runs immediately. You don’t have to call it to make it run.

You learned a fundamental Javascript pattern today that evades many programmers. Follow me to get more snippets of wisdom.



Simon Carr

With over 20 years in software and infrastructure, I use this platform to pass on the valuable insights I have gained from a career devoted to technology